Cameron L. Randall, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Health Sciences University of Washington School of Dentistry o: B-509e Magnuson Health Sciences Building m: 1959 NE Pacific Street | Box 357475 | Seattle, WA 98195 o: 1.206.616.1617 | c: 1.919.741.0819 [email protected] |
Cameron L. Randall, PhD, is a clinical health psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Health Sciences at the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle. Broadly, his work applies behavioral science to dentistry and dental public health. The overall goals of his work are to improve dental care delivery and oral health, with a major aim to reduce health disparities. Dr. Randall’s NIH-funded research focuses on pain, dental fear, health behavior, and provider’s implementation of evidence-based practice. He also researches and speaks on topics related to workforce wellness. Dr. Randall serves in leadership positions in the International Association for Dental Research and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and he is a member of the editorial boards for Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology and JDR Clinical and Translational Research. In addition to leading behavioral dentistry research, Dr. Randall teaches in the predoctoral and resident curricula at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and elsewhere.